Loaves & Fishes International


Loaves & Fishes International

The story of this couple really touched my heart. The link to their website is above. I first saw them in a documentary named “Father of Lights”. They were led by God to leave their home, jobs, and comfortable living situation to do God’s work in China. They moved their family with nothing but a couple of suitcases. Talk about a move of faith!! They were not sure of what they were going to do once they got there, but God is faithful! They now adopt orphan children with special needs. They simply take these children that have been abandoned and rejected by the world into their new home and love them furiously. They love them as their own children (and more importantly, as Christ loved them). They have helped countless children, and released the love of Jesus unto many even as they were passing on. God took hold of a situation that may not be as “pretty” to some, but when I viewed what they had done, I was simply blown away. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. If you ever felt the love of God, you should see it with your own eyes. It is just as breathtaking. Their story taught many things: great faith, unselfishness, selfless love, unconditional love, Jesus’ love, and true love.
